Monday, April 26, 2010

Another Weekend of Softball!!!

This weekend the Oregon Breeze were in Salem for the Oregon Panther Easton Envite April 24 & 25th.

This weekend was rough for the girls, especially Paityn for some reason. She was on base quite a bit, but wasn't allowed to play and grow in her position that much. The girls have a weekend off, so hopefully they can all bond and take a little break...

After there "pool play" on Saturday they were place in the "Silver Bracket". We won our first game Sunday morning, but lost our second to a second year 12A HiVoltage team out of Salem. We ended up taking 2nd place in the "Silver Bracket".

Maddux had a great weekend as normal.... The tournament was held at Wallace Marine in Salem. There are 5 fields and in the center of them all is a large concession stand and also a playground that is covered with netting, so "faul balls" can't reach the kids!!!

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