Monday, October 18, 2010

1st Softball Camp

This last weekend Paityn went to her first softball camp. We decided on sending here for a couple reasons….
1. Fall Ball just ended and they only played 2 weekends
2. It was at George Fox which is a local college
3. It was very inexpensive!!!!

We weren’t sure who was going to be there from other teams so wasn’t sure what to expect. We were walking up and noticed that some of the Panther girls were there, she immediately ran up them and felt comfortable. Even though she doesn’t play softball with them anymore, she is still very close a few of them. Then a couple of the Newberg girls came in and put their noses up at her. I think it is so funny how the Newberg girls don’t like her, I just tell her that they are jealous and not to worry about it. I know she does worry about it though.

The weekend days were filled with throwing, running plays, hitting, and getting timed.

Paityn had a lot of fun and was very happy she completed it. She did great!!!!

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